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Posts uit februari, 2018 tonen

Last week: Chapter 2

Wednesday: I didn't do much today because I felt really sick. That didn't stop me from working at my website though. I finally managed to make a slideshow without using JavaScript. Later that day we just watched some movies and then went to sleep. Thursday: The website is almost done! We still have to do some minor adjustments but it looks great and it does what it's supposed to do. I was happy to work, share ideas and design stuff with Aron. He had some great suggestions about the placement of the banners/logo and we worked as a team the whole time. I'm happy to be part of this project. :D

Last week: Chapter 1

Monday: As usual, we got our coffee and then headed to work. Today, all we did was working at the website. It has to be finished by the end of this week so we're really trying to stick to te deadline. Thursday: Our thursday has been almost the same since we came here: WEBSITE DESIGN. That's not a bad thing, but it takes a lot of work to make something that looks and woks right. After work, Seppe told us there was some kind of tour through Valencia and even invited us, so...ofcourse, we accepted. The tour was good, the guide was very friendly but unfortunately he only spoke Spanish which was the only downside.

Last weekend in Valencia...

This was our last weekend in Valencia and we made the best out of it! When we woke up on saturday, the weather was really..."Valencian". It was sunny and really warm(21 ° C) so we decided to go to the Bioparc. The zoo looked pretty small from the outside but we needed 2 hours to go through it. We've seen mostly African animals from Madagascar and French Aquatorial Africa. The best part was the fact that some animals were actually free, and not in a cage. Lemurs would just come and sit in front of your feet and look at you without even blinking. Lions, elephants, turtles, crocodiles, birds...we've seen them all and they all had huge spaces to live. After the zoo we went to Burger King to grab something to eat because we were starving . When we got home we just watched some movies and ate some popcorn. Sunday was really depressing for me. I got this "Belgian" feeling all the time because it was so cloudy and rainy. But hey, we still had fun at the museum of s

Friday, again!

So, as usual, our day starts with a coffee and some coding. We're still working at the website because it's pretty big and we also have to know a little Javascript. That means we have to be autodidact and really do our best to process and understand a language we've never seen. That being said, our day consists of CODING CODING and CODING!

Some Street Photography

I got Zarah's camera for a day and I took some pretty nice street shots that I think are worth being on my blog after some post production. I know some other students already posted my pictures but hey...I'm always late with my blog. Enjoy!

Wednesday & Thursday

Wednesday: We worked again to finish the website, which is almost finished. All we have to do now is add a gallery and make a Google Form for the registration of the players and their robots. Thursday: I wasn't able to go to work today because I felt really bad in the morning. I had a earache/headache that lasted untill 13:00. I also slept like 2 hours that night because of the pain so I was really tired. At 17:00 I felt a lot better so Josephine and Seppe asked me to go with them to an activity. We've learnt to make Agua De Valencia, which is some sort of cocktail that was invented in the 30's in Valencia. However, it got more popular in the 70's. We also had a contest and our team made (obviously) the best Agua De Valencia and we're actually really proud of it! Here are the ingredients: -2 cups of orange juice -60 ml of gin -60 ml of vodka -700 ml of Cava

Monday & Tuesday

Monday: Today we've made 2 more pages for the website. We had some troubles with javascript but we solved them pretty fast. Tuesday: We've done the same thing over and over again: code, code, code! Later that day we had a tour through Valencia. We saw the same things as Monday but this time we actually entered the buildings. We visited Torres De Serranos, Palace of the Borgias and some other really nice places and buildings. (Pictures in about 2 days)